魔鏡歌詞網 > 歐美歌手 > Paperbacks > Lit From Within > It Will Take Courage, My Love




It Will Take Courage, My Love

It will take courage, my love, to walk through this life; to cut paths through the bastards who'll strain to devise nefarious methods to strip you of your hope. It takes courage to not let go. And then as your family fractures and your friends disappear, or, out of self-preservation, chain you to their fears…as their fictions and addictions drain the last of your will, it takes courage to love them still. It will take courage, my love, to refuse to heed the cramped imaginations of those who would lead. And though you can barely see past their consuming fires, it's your courage that is required. To wrap your fists around what you've found to ward off their lies, to manoeuvre past hearses and to curse at the night. To pick up a tape off the floor of the van. To sing with it as loud as you can. Oh dearest, I know, you can't see a light. But dearest, don't you know, you have one inside. And now obstacles tower without and within; disease angles closer, your words lost within. But as its muscular wings rip the skin from your bones, oh, my love, you are not alone. Because it takes courage, my love, to assess what you are; to see what surrounds you and to be humbled and small…and to still find the strength to fight for these slivers of truth. So I take courage, my love, from you. I take courage, my love, from you.

End To Misery Rarenai Da Capo Amayadori Day Day Faces Places Beautiful Like You Dangerous Woman Ridin Thumb You Like Boom Boom Boom And I Get High With My Babay You Know That You Know That Lana Del Rey Back In The Don Don Da I Don't Wanna Do Be Do Be Shower Love You You Might Be Umaku Wa Cocktail Drinking In The Road No One To Depend On